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Helping Leaders and Teams
Get More Done
Get Organized. Get Focused. Get More Done.
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Interested, but don't know about the team?
Watch the "For One User" video to learn how it can help a single leader
(or single leader and their Administrative Assistant)
If it's time to improve your performance...
Then it’s time to give yourself and your team the right tool.
A tool built for this exact purpose.
Not a spreadsheet, an email, a gantt chart or other cobbled together clunker.
Give me a team of strong mind,
and LeaderFulcrum
upon which to leverage their talents, and I shall move the world.
Sounds like something
might say.
Who Should Use It?
Leadership Teams,
Project Managers,
Teams of Knowledge Workers,
Executive Assistants.
Find Us
on the FileMaker Marketplace > Partners > Marketplace. Scroll down. Search for "Leader".
See Us
September 22 - 23 see us in New Orleans, Booth 619
October 5 - 7 see us in Philadelphia, Exhibiting at the
Project Management Institute
PMI Global Conference
October 9 - 11 see us in Chicago, Exhibiting at the
Becker's Hospital Review 5th Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle Conference
Hyatt Regency, Chicago
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